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Short Bio

My name is Sylvain. I am a 30 years old man who spent a lot of his life thinking about mathematics and games.
Since 2018, I have decided to become a professional game designer. I have joined a formation in video games at Gobelins and ENJMIN, in order to meet other people who makes games.

Me and my Life: Parcours

Making games

I am interested by procedural rethoric, stealth learning, system design, mathematics, and, ultimately, helping people becoming smarter.

I want to make games where players can explore a complex situation, helping them understand it better. I want to make games where players can express their creativity and ingenuity. I want to makes games which push players into asking themselves difficult questions about the world. And I want to make games which make players think deeper about their rules.

Me and my Life: Parcours
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